This is my online sourdough baking course, “More Fun with Sourdough.” Many of you have been asking me to do more with whole grains. As the baking courses have gotten more advanced with newer and more advanced techniques, I have tried to incorporate more whole grains. With this course there are even more formulas and flour blends using whole grains. Ten new formulas are featured in this course. Most of the whole grain flour is freshly ground. These loaves are not 100% whole grain, but a blend of whole grain and bread or all purpose flour. They are all made with sourdough, no commercial yeast is used.
The loaves featured are:
- Khorasan Boules
- July Loaf
- Spring Fling Seeded Sourdough
- CranNut Sourdough
- Khorasan Batards
- Organic Red Spring Wheat Rustic
- One Day Miche
- Ranch Sourdough
- Stegosaurus Bread
- Beetroot Sourdough Bread
You will also learn how to figure out the Desired Dough Temperature or DDT, how to grind and use fresh grains, utilize leftover bran from sifting flour, incorporate low hydration Motherdough, shape 100% hydration dough and also how to make and use dough binders, they are so much fun!
If you need to learn basic sourdough baking skills, please begin with the first few courses, beginning skills are not covered in this course. The formulas in this course are intended for intermediate to advanced bakers.
The first formula is for sourdough Khorasan Boules. Khorasan (commonly known as Kamut, which is a trademarked name) Sourdough Bread has 20% by flour weight of freshly ground Khorasan flour. If you don’t have access to Khorasan flour, please feel free to substitute any other whole grain flour. I love Khorasan’s creamy golden color and wonderful flavor!

Our next formula is for July Loaves. July loaf has the fresh whole wheaty flavor and aroma of freshly ground wheat, it is a delightful, flavorful loaf. This is an easy loaf with 22% freshly ground whole wheat flour in the formula. If you keep a whole wheat starter, there would be even more. It is at 70% hydration, but the whole grains soak up a lot of the water so the dough feels drier. If you wish to work with an even higher hydration, check the formula for the variation.

The third formula is for Spring Fling Sourdough. This is the Formula for Spring Fling Seeded Loaf. This dough has a lot of nice Chia and Flax seeds in it and will make a soft, hearty loaf. The loaf will stay moist for several days because of the seeds.

For our fourth formula we have Cran-Nut Sourdough. Cran-Nut Sourdough is made with over 50% freshly milled whole wheat (mixture of white and red wheat). It is cold proofed overnight and baked the next day. The addition of walnuts and cranberries makes a delicious fragrant loaf great served with cream cheese or toasted with lots of butter. This is not a sweet bread and has no sugar added to the dough other than what is in the dried cranberries.

The fifth formula is Khorasan Seeded Batards. Seeded Khorasan Sourdough Batards have 31% by flour weight of freshly ground Khorasan (Kamut) flour. If you don’t have access to Kamut/Khorasan flour, please feel free to substitute any other whole grain flour. This formula is a variation of the Khorasan Sourdough Boules earlier in the course but it has seeds, is a higher hydration and has more whole grain flour in it.

Formula number six is Organic Red Spring Wheat Sourdough (ORSW). In this formula I will be using freshly ground wheat berries which have had 7% of the bran extracted from it or what is called 93% extraction rate. I will be using 50% of this wheat flour and 50% of white bread flour. This is a minimal shaped loaf, much like a Ciabatta. This dough is a wet dough at 100% hydration.

The seventh formula is a Sourdough Miche. This formula is a one day Miche with a pre-ferment. It is around 70% (or more) whole grains depending upon your starter and pre-ferment choices. This Miche is just a little over 1 kilo after being baked. There is a variation that will give you two loaves and a higher percentage of whole grains at around 80% of total flour weight.

Formula eight is Ranch Sourdough. Ranch Sourdough is formulated to use up some of the coarse bran and grains you may have sitting around after sifting your flour. It is a long fermented sourdough with a moist custardy open crumb and is delicious!

The ninth formula is for Stegosaurus Bread. Stegosaurus Bread is a room temperature overnight fermented dough. It uses a 22% freshly ground, high extraction wheat flour in the dough, which produces a fragrant delicious loaf. The scoring is lots of fun and will amaze your family and friends.

Our last formula is for Beetroot Bread. Beetroot bread is so fun and quite the centerpiece! It looks stunning wherever it goes. It is an unusual bread, is moist, somewhat dense and very flavorful. We will use a low hydration motherdough at 50% hydration which is made the night before.

This is a larger course where we incorporate more whole grains into our sourdough loaves.
Join online baking course, “More Fun with Sourdough” here:
If you are a member of The Baking Network, you can join the course free here: More Fun with Sourdough
For non members this online course is on SALE until June 8th, 2022 for only $12.99 at the following location: