Problems and Questions

This page will be updated on a regular basis as members run into problems or have questions.

How can I join?

Click on the “Join” button on the menu and follow the directions on that page.

How long does my membership last?

If you are a Foundation or Silver member, you will be billed automatically each month from the date you join. If you are a Gold or Platinum member you will be billed once each year from the date you joined.

Are there refunds?

There are no refunds once your payment goes through. You can enjoy the remainder of the period you paid for, but there are no refunds. Payments are automatic so if you wish to cancel, do so right away and you will not be billed for the next period. You will receive a notice several days before your payment is processed, but if you have not added us to your contact list, you might miss the notice.

Contact Info:

You can contact us at [email protected]. You can also ask general baking questions or ask for help in the General Discussion Group.

Why can’t I view the baking courses?

All new members have access to the Sourdough Bread Baking 101 course right away. Foundation and Silver members must wait 30 days between each of the subsequent courses for access. This is called dripped access. Platinum and Gold members have total access to all of the membership courses right away.

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  1. Hi,
    i have a few questions:
    1. I bake about once a week and in between I put my starter in the refrigerator. My question is can I put less water, say 30g and 30g of flour and then when I’m ready to bake take it out a day before and feed with the 60 g water and 60 flour? I

    2. How long can a starter stay in refrig without feeding?

    1. Starters are pretty resilient and can live a lot longer than you would think. However, they are best if they are fed at least once a week if kept refrigerated. You can feed them every two weeks or monthly and still get away with it. Some starters are more vigorous than others and can take more abuse. I like to bake at a minimum of once a week so I like to keep my starter vigorous and healthy. I feed it before refrigerating and then before baking, I will take it out the day before dough mixing, feed it again to get it going so that when I go to mix my dough it is bubbly and vigorous. So yes, if you are baking weekly, keeping the starter small while in the fridge, then feeding it before mixing dough is a good way to keep a healthy starter. I usually bake larger amounts of bread, like four loaves at a time, so I feed my starter quite a lot more than 60grams when I am planning on baking.

  2. I have tried a few times to bake Kamut bread but I’m not succeeding with the crumb it’s always not cooked enough and very heavy. I use 100 Khorasan flour
    do you have any suggestions? I don’t want to mix other types of flour and my starter is made with same flour .

  3. Good morning,
    I joined the network on September 27,2020 with a platinum membership ( changed to gold when I kept getting booted back to join. I did get credit for the platinum amount.) I still cannot get access to the courses and two emails to support have still gotten no reply. I would appreciate any assistance you could give to get into the courses. I am really looking forward to continuing with them.

    1. Sorry for the trouble you’ve had Linda, I found your messages in my spam folder. I will check on your access to the courses and will email you back when I find out what’s going on. Thank you for your patience, Teresa

    1. Hello Joanna, try again in a bit. It may have taken a while for the registration process to go through. If you still have problems after waiting, let me know and I’ll help you out.

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