Online Baking Courses On Sale

There’s been a huge interest in sourdough baking with the current conditions where we all need to stay home and stay safe.
I’ve got several online sourdough baking courses on sale right now (for five days) that I think you’ll really enjoy.
We’ll start with course #1 “Sourdough Bread Baking 101” for those who are totally new to sourdough baking and need to start right at the beginning.

Next is “Bake Artisan Sourdough Bread Like a Professional.” It is course #2 and follows Sourdough Bread Baking 101. There are a lot more formulas and you will learn fun new methods in sourdough baking.

We also have “Old Fashioned Sourdough Baking.” This is course #4 and is an easy fun course where you will bake a variety of fun foods, like cornbread, tortillas, cinnamon rolls, scones, pancakes, biscuits and more!

With the following course, “More Fun With Sourdough Bread Baking” you will enjoy even more fun baking with breads that have added whole grains or unusual ingredients like beets!

And finally we have a favorite “Bake San Francisco Style Sourdough Bread” where we explore the elusive “sour” in sourdough baking.

These courses are all online, at your own pace and for your lifetime. They are on the Udemy platform.
The code is HAPPYBAKE (built into the links already) and the courses are $9.99 each which is as low as they are allowed to go on Udemy.
Have fun baking everyone!

I look forward to seeing photos of your beautiful bread!