Newly Launched Course – Sourdough Bread Baking Exploration

Hello everyone! I’ve been working for months on a new baking course and it’s finally finished! It’s called “Sourdough Bread Baking Exploration.” In this course I explore different aspects of sourdough baking. The course covers:
- Exploring protein quality in flour. This shows an easy test to see if your flour is suitable for bread baking. After the test we will use our test doughs to bake up a loaf of bread, so depending upon the flour your testing everyone’s loaf will turn out different.
- Gluten washing – see how to extract gluten from flour. See how it looks and performs, also see how the starch looks.
- Recovering from a mistake. I made a huge mistake when I was doing one of the experiments, so instead of ditching the experiments, we explore how to recover from a mistake and we make beautiful Ciabatta bread.
- All purpose flour VS bread flour. In this experiment we explore the differences between all purpose flour and bread flour. We’ll use three experiments and do a higher hydration each time. You might be surprised at the outcome.
- With the final iteration of the comparison loaves, we will use a high quality bread flour and a double hydration to bake up an 88% hydration loaf.
- The last thing we will look at is the life cycle of a sourdough starter from feeding to it’s death. We’ll also make pancakes from the discard!
Sign up here: Sourdough Bread Baking Exploration
Some photos from the course:

I think you’ll have a lot of fun exploring some different aspects of sourdough baking and hopefully have a better understanding of baking methods when you are finished. This is an easy class for beginners or intermediate however, I do not show foundational basic skills. If you are a super beginner, you should take my course, “Sourdough Bread Baking 101” before taking this course (you can still join and take the course later though).

See HERE for my other online baking courses.
For members, see courses available to you at no extra cost here: Member Courses
Happy Baking Everyone! Teresa